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Concrete floor polishing in miami

Concrete floors are made to last, meaning they are very resistant, but like other floors they need maintenance. With time it is normal to see cracks, holes and other imperfections, but there is nothing to worry about since this can be properly repaired , as for the finishing, with the correct polishing process concrete can be restored, dirt and stains removed and the desired Gloss can be achieved.


How does it work?


Depending on how deteriorated the surface is, the initial polishing process is determined, many times with metal discs. Since this is the first step, it is very important to achieve the correct grinding.


After , if present in the floor, cracks are repaired and the polishing process is continued with resin grinding discs.


Then comes the sealing and after the polishing process is continued to achieve a natural and lasting shine.  It is important to know that concrete floors can be finished with a different shine like crystallization or sealing


Want to read about new concrete floor installation or microcement floors? click here


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